Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Introducing Atom Ant, and his friend Superfly:

Normally I would like to comment on this sort of story, however in this case I think the articles speak for themselves. Below are links to 3 articles, all based on the work of a Reuters reporter (so please aprdon any duplication in information, as the articles are only slightly different).

Bugs and weeds enlisted to fight terrorists

US military taps bugs and weeds in war on terror

War on terror's newest recruits are creepy, crawly, and bug-eyed (note: to read the full version of this article you will need to either purchase it or use a service like Lexis-Nexis which requires a subscription)


For anyone interested, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, is the Pentagon R&D body and is responsible for a great number of the technologically advanced tools used by our armed forces today.

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