Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Little Fun:

More content to come in the near future, of a more informational variety, so stay tuned. In the meantime, enjoy this short video clip from across the pond. Sarcasm that also makes sense.

I want to be clear - I find this amusing, and do not intend for readers to assume that this individual represents my views or opinions. Some parts of his rant do make sense, specifically the comments about many in the free world being cowed and intimidated into relative silence by the actions of radical Muslims (notably the murder of Theo Van Gogh, the harassment of Ayan Hirsi Ali, and the violent overreaction to the Danish cartoons (for which, by the way, some countries have agreed to make some modest restitution). In any event, if you are offended, lighten up, and feel free not to return to these pages in the future - it's your right not to read my words.



Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the video clip above do not in any way represent the opinions or beliefs of the author and operator of this blog. the video clip is embedded using HTML code from another website, and so the operator of this blog assumes absolutely no responsibility for any harm that may or may not come to a reader's computer should one choose to view this clip.

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