Saturday, October 14, 2006

I Live For This:

Teams of destiny are on the move. Consider the relatively improbable championships of recent memory: Detroit Pistons, Pittsburgh Steelers, Chicago White Sox, and now the ascendant Detroit Tigers.

None of these teams could be mistaken as the Bad News Bears, but each came out as the top team in their respective sport through hard nosed play, good team chemistry, and that little touch of magic that makes a
team destined for greatness. They have had that Midas touch where the net appears to pull the ball through the rim as though by magnetism, when a ground ball hits the ground and takes a very friendly (or unfriendly if you are on the other side) bounce into the outfield, or a cornerback blows his coverage and leaves the receiver open down field. And these teams have won against some daunting odds.

It is that intangible, that elusive element found in athletic competition that drives teams to tournament success - it is that touch of magic that makes sports so entertaining - but especially baseball!!


Anonymous said...

I wonder if your boss is a reader. You've got some brown on your nose sir.

P.S. Fans of the midwest teams (i.e. ones that brag about their city's rough and tumble Southside) aren't allowed to jump in on the fun of other midwest team's glory. There's only hate mon frere.

JDS said...

Brown Shmown. I am a baseball fan, and can appreciate a good October Baseball story as much as the next guy - especially when I can do so sans bitterness that my team has gone 88 years without such an experience (a streak which thankfully ended last year).

P.S. - If you have seen any of this year's playoff games, you might have seen some entertaining and clever MLB ads featuring Tommy Lasorda that make the point.

P.P.S. - My boss is not a reader.