Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Enron Shmenron - Let Turtle Bay Show You How It's Done:

Claudia Rosett makes an excellent point here - one that I think truly highlights the situation at Turtle Bay. The fact that we have such high level, unapologetic corruption that is the rule rather than the exception in the UN screams out for a change in our global perspective.

That is, I propose the United States - chief financier of the UN, chief force driving UN missions abroad in terms of soldiers and resources - deliver an ultimatum to this disgraceful international playground: Reform, or say goodbye. I suggest that the US deliver this message, making it clear to the world that we will no longer rubber stamp participation in the UN until we see recognizeable, measurable reforms. This means that, while we retain our seat and veto on the UNSC, we will not send over another cent of US funds - exempting dues - we will not send a single US serviceperson anywhere in a Blue Helmet, and we will absolutely NOT participate in any more UN programs until internal reform is established.

October 24, 2006

If Jeffrey Skilling Had Worked for the UN Instead of for Enron...

He'd be looking forward to years of dining out with his pals and collecting his pension in comfort. Instead, found guilty of fraud and conspiracy, he's facing a 24 year sentence.

Meanwhile, at the UN, which from 1996-2003 under the label of Oil-for-Food ran the biggest scam in the history of humanitarian relief, not a single official involved in the program has even been fired, let alone prosecuted. Oil-for-Food provided cover and conduits for UN-sanctioned Saddam Hussein to pocket billions meant strictly for relief — bribing businesses, politicians and officials of the UN itself along the way. But Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who presided over this program, and Annan's handpicked head of the program, Benon Sevan, have paid no penalties. Instead, Sevan has retired on full pension to Cyprus. And at the unreformed UN, the unrepentant and apparently unembarrassable Annan, undaunted by his own record as chief administrator of Oil-for-Fraud, has set himself up as a guru of governance — peddling a UN-corporate "Global Compact."

The real lesson here: If you want to preside over a world-class scam, don't do it in the private sector. Get yourself a top job at the UN.

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