Tuesday, December 06, 2005

How bad is bad enough?

I have previously posted (here and here) about former professor Sami al-Arian.

Today, after days of deliberation jurrors have found Al-Arian to be not guilty on 8 of the 17 counts against him.

Having followed the trial in the news, I find this verdict amazing. How bad is bad enough? To anyone that misunderstands this verdict as an absolute vindication of Mr. al-Arian, or a substantiation of his claims that the charges against him were politically motivated, I say 'wake up!' Sami was no angel. Mr. al-Arian and his co-defendants were actively involved in supporting the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (see here, here, and here for more information on PIJ).

Still not convinced? I point you, then, to the following items:

*No Mea Culpas
*Arian Lied to the Press and Immigration Authorities, Lawyer Concedes
*Tampa PIJ Defendant Sentenced in Separate Fraud Case
*Contributing Expert Matthew Levitt Testifies at Sami Al-Arian Trial
*PIJ profile
*Steven Emerson on the Sami Al-Arian case: "Islamic Jihad on Trial"
*Al Arian & co defendents ran Palestinian Islamic Jihad communications center & directed suicide bombings from Tampa
*Statement of Richard A. Clarke Before the United States Senate Banking Committee(PDF)
*this affadavit (PDF) names Al-Arian as North American leader of PIJ.
*Saudi Support for Islamic Extremism in the United States

And if you are still not convinced by the words and analysis of experts, then I challenge anyone to review the indictment (below) and dispute the charges. Comments to this regard are welcome and sought.
*Criminal indictment against Al-Arian(PDF)

So how bad is bad enough?

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