Monday, February 21, 2005

Useful tip for combating ignorance and stupidity

If you happen upon a Peace Rally:
1) Approach ignorant, committed pacifist talking about peace and saying there
should be "no retaliation"
2) Have a brief conversation w/ them and ask if military force is
3) When he says, "No." ask him, "Why not?"
4) When he says, "Because that would just cause more innocent deaths, which
would be awful, and we should not cause more violence."
5) Punch him in the face . . . hard.
6) When he gets up to punch you, point out to him that it would be a
mistake to (and contrary to his values) punch you because he would be causing more
7) When he agrees with you that he has pledged not to commit violence,
punch him in the face again . . . only harder this time.
8) Repeat steps 2 through 7 until he understands that sometimes it is
necessary to punch back

NOTE: this is intended for humor only, and does not represent the author's actual views on peace, violence, or interpersonal action. The author does not advocate punching a liberal in the face.

1 comment:

JDS said...

First of all, I am sorry that you have chosen to attack me with the label of moron, when you clearly do not understand either the intent of this post (as indicated in the 'NOTE:' I placed at the bottom of it) or the concept of humor. You response indicates that you are not one of the 'educated' and 'intelligent' organizers of peace demonstrations that you rush so quickly to defend, but rather you appear to be one of the many ignorant, opinionated, and ill-informed individuals that chooses to sully the good name of the peace/anti-war movement's good name.

Unfortunately, while many of the organizers of peace rallys and such demonstrations do in fact have worthwhile ideas, the vast majority of the participants in said rallies do not. Demonstraters at peace rallies or anti-war protests do not, generally speaking and noting the inevitible exceptions, understand or care to see the larger picture (as stated above I would not be surprosed to find you in thie category).

The point of this post was primarily for humor. However, I am sorry to see that you, campaniella, have decided to get riled up over it. Further more, I believe that many of the enlightened that you chose to defend are, in fact, unwilling to consider the fact that there are circumstance where violence can do more than engagement, diplomacy, or other peaceful strategies.