Monday, February 21, 2005

Open question on the importance of knowing.

The question of whether the world is real or illusory has plagued thinkers for generations. For one thing, there is no good answer, we simply cannot know in the truest sense of the word.

Another problem that arises in this sort of discussion is the question of whether or not it makes any difference. In other words, if the world is a grand illusion, what difference does that make to anyone trapped inside it? Understanding that there is no way to "wake up" to the world as it really is, what difference does it make if the world we perceive is real or not?

Were it that we could wake up and see that our perceived world was a dream, the answer to this question would be simple, it would make a great deal of difference!

Another possible situation is that we could determine if our perceived world is illusory, but have no means to leave it in favor of reality. In this case, does it matter that we know we live inside a dream? Would it be better, perhaps, to remain ignorant of our condition?

Lastly, it is possible that the world is real and that there is no grand illusion or deception. Again, the same question comes to the front: what difference does it make?


Meghan said...

i guess it would make a difference cause if the world is illusory and we are but "brains in vats" at the mercy of mad scientists, we would feel that we have no real control over the "external reality"; that is, everything would appear to be determined for us.

for me, it does not really matter.

i think the external world IS real but that our perceptions never capture it entirely. we only ever "interpret" the world.

life is great.

JDS said...

Based on my post, though, even if we were 'brains in vats' we would not know. That is, we have no way of knowing precisely whether or not we are alive and existent as we understand ourselves to be. We could all be merely brains in the vats of some mad scientist. This, however, doesn't matter, and that was the point I tried to make.

We must abandon the primacy of knowledge and work with what we have. In this sense I would agree with the personal sentiment expressed by Meghan, namely that it does not matter.